Vastra SS2 Smart Power Strip

Table of Contents

1. Hardware

The hardware inside consists of (apart from the ordinary Schuko sockets) several PCBs connected together with JST XH and pin header connectors.

1.1. Boards

Board ID Silkscreen Notes
USB SW3A-USB V1.3 Not used in SS2 model (no USB ports)
CON SW3A-Control V1.3  
BUTTON   Button and LED

Some photos of the boards:






1.2. CON Board (Controller)

Notable parts are 3 ADCs, a MCU and a Tuya WR3 wireless module. Summary below:

Designation Description Part identification Datasheet Notes
U7 Wireless module P/N: WR3, Model: See below  
U3, U4, U5 Likely an ADC BL 0937 Might be AD7991 one per AC socket
U6 8051 microcontroller STC8F2K32S2E QFN32 package, measures current and controls
    A743634 Datasheet (mirror) relays
J2 Button & Status LED JST XH 4 pin male    
J4 UART connection 2.54mm 4P header 9600 bits/s, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit Labels are from the perspective of the host,
        for example line labeled RXD is where the device
        transmits data, non-isolated from mains AC!!!
J3 Power input JST XH 4 pin male   Label says 5V but it's 3.3V in reality

1.2.1. WR3 Wireless module

The WR3 Wireless module is based on the Realtek RTL8710BN chip.

Some people have attempted to replace this module with an ESP-12 to improve compatibility.

Original information on Tuya's site about the module

The connections of the WR3 module can be traced to be as follows:

Pin number Sybol Pin description Connection Notes
1 NC Pulled up and not connected, to be compatible with other modules No solder pad  
2 GPIOA22 GPIOA22, hardware PWM, Pin 31 of the IC No solder pad  
3 CHIPEN When software disables the function, connection by a user fails pull-up to 3.3V  
4 GPIOA19 GPIOA19, a universal I/O port, Pin 30 of the IC No solder pad  
5 GPIOA14 GPIOA14, hardware PWM, Pin 13 of the IC No solder pad  
6 GPIOA15 GPIOA15, hardware PWM, Pin 14 of the IC No solder pad  
7 GPIOA0 GPIOA0, which cannot be pulled high when powered on, and No solder pad  
    which is configurable after the level is pulled to be high, hardware PWM, Pin 16 of the IC    
8 VD33 Power supply pin (3.3V) 3.3V power  
9 GND Power supply reference ground Ground  
10 ADC ADC port, the maximum input voltage is 5V No solder pad  
11 GPIOA29 UARTLogRXD (used to print the internal information of the module), No solder pad  
    which can be configured as a universal GPIO.    
    The module has been pulled up. The pin cannot be triggered at high level    
12 GPIOA30 UARTLogTXD (used to print the internal information of the module), which can be configured as a universal GPIO No solder pad  
13 GPIOA5 GPIOA5, hardware PWM, Pin 28 of IC J2.K2 (button)  
14 GPIOA12 GPIOA12, hardware PWM, Pin 17 of IC J2.D2 (LED)  
15 RXD UART0RXD (user-side serial interface) U6.2(TXD2/P1.1) (via 100Ω resistor R37)  
16 TXD UART0TXD (user-side serial interface) U6.1(RXD2/P1.0) (via 100Ω resistor R36)  

1.2.2. J2 Button board

Pin label Description Notes
VCC 3.3V  
K2 Button  
D2 Blue LED  

1.2.3. J4 UART interface

The J4 UART interface is connected to the main STC8F UART which can be used for programming the chip. During operation it sends out periodic data about the AC mains voltage as well as the current draw and total energy for all sockets. It's likely designed to perform calibration in the factory.

Pin number Pin label Description Connection Notes
1 GND Ground    
2 VCC 3.3V    
3 TXD   U6.13(P3.0/RxD/INT4) Can be used for ISP (In System Programming)
4 RXD   U6.14(P3.1/TxD) Can be used for ISP (In System Programming)

The output printed can be interpreted in the following way:

Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00     0mA   4.4    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00   162mA  20.5    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00   100mA  10.9    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00   100mA  10.6    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00   103mA  11.5    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00    98mA  10.9    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
226.0     0mA   0.0    0.00   105mA  11.6    0.00     0mA   0.0    0.00 
^^^^^     ^^^   ^^^    ^^^^
|         |     |      |
|         |     |      total energy (kWh)
|         |     Power (W)
|         Current 
          ------------------  --------------------    ------------------
          Socket 1            Socket 2                Socket 3

The power measurement seems off because 226 V * 0.105 A = 23.730 W not 11.6 W like the device indicates (last line for Socket 2).

The UART does not serve any other purpose, there is no traffic observed when the individual sockets are switched on or off. This looks to be controlled by a different set of GPIO pins from the WR3 module.

1.2.4. Tuya Serial Connection

The U6 microcontroller and the U7 Tuya WLAN module are connected with a serial port which uses the TuyaMCU protocol documented here: and on the Tuya site:

As the TuyaMCU protocol is mostly half-duplex both lines of communication can be sniffed by bridging the TXD and RXD lines with diodes like shown below:


In order to interpret the intercepted data a simple sniffer was created, the data intercepted looks like below:

$ ./ /dev/ttyUSB0
2022-12-19 15:51.55 [info     ] opening serial port            url=/dev/ttyUSB0
2022-12-19 15:51.59 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa00000000ff' payload=b'' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:51.59 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa030000010104' payload=b'01' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.03 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005010100010112' payload=b'0101000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.03 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005020100010113' payload=b'0201000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.03 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005030100010114' payload=b'0301000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.13 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000814020004000008b0e3' payload=b'14020004000008b0' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000868020004000008b037' payload=b'68020004000008b0' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000870020004000008b03f' payload=b'70020004000008b0' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070008660200040000009916' payload=b'6602000400000099' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000867020004000001007f' payload=b'6702000400000100' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005010100010112' payload=b'0101000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005020100010113' payload=b'0201000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005030100010114' payload=b'0301000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa00000000ff' payload=b'' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.14 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa030000010104' payload=b'01' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.24 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000866020004000000920f' payload=b'6602000400000092' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.24 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000867020004000000f270' payload=b'67020004000000f2' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.24 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005010100010112' payload=b'0101000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.24 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005020100010113' payload=b'0201000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.24 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005030100010114' payload=b'0301000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.29 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa00000000ff' payload=b'' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.29 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa030000010104' payload=b'01' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.34 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000866020004000000910e' payload=b'6602000400000091' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.34 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000867020004000000ee6c' payload=b'67020004000000ee' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.34 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005010100010112' payload=b'0101000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.34 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005020100010113' payload=b'0201000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.34 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005030100010114' payload=b'0301000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.44 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa00000000ff' payload=b'' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.44 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa030000010104' payload=b'01' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.45 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070008660200040000008f0c' payload=b'660200040000008f' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.45 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0307000867020004000000ef6d' payload=b'67020004000000ef' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.45 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005010100010112' payload=b'0101000101' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:52.45 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa03070005020100010113' payload=b'0201000101' proto_ver= type=

1.2.5. Extra hacking connector

In order to simplify hacking an extra connector has been added to the device wired into all of the relevant pins of the WR3 WLAN module:

Pin number Pin label Description Connection Notes
1 GND Ground U7.9(GND) Black heatshrink
2   UARTLogRXD U7.11(GPIOA29)  
3   UARTLogTXD U7.12(GPIOA30)  
4   Button U7.13(GPIOA5), J2.K2  
5   LED U7.14(GPIOA12), J2.D2  
6   MCUTXD U7.15(RXD), U6.2(TXD2/P1.1)  
7   MCURXD U7.16(TXD), U6.1(RXD2/P1.0)  

1.2.6. Log UART interface

The UARTLogRXD and UARTLogTXD form an UART interface to the Tuya WR3 module. The port settings are 115200 bits/s, 8n1, the interface is 3.3V TTL logic levels. When the device boots without WiFi network connection and without cloud connection the following output can be seen:

picocom v3.1

port is        : /dev/ttyUSB1
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 115200
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
stopbits are   : 1
escape is      : C-a
local echo is  : no
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
hangup is      : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is        : 
omap is        : 
emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is     : none
initstring     : none
exit_after is  : not set
exit is        : no

Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready
BOOT TYPE:0 XTAL:40000000
IMG1 DATA[1168:10002000]
IMG1 ENTRY[8000541:100021ef]
read_mode idx:0, flash_speed idx:0
OTA2 ADDR[80d0000]
OTAx SELE[fffffffc]
IMG2 DATA[0x809e060:6540:0x10005000]
IMG2 SIGN[RTKWin(10005008)]
IMG2 ENTRY[0x10005000:0x800b1a5]
===== Enter Image 2 ====
OSC8M: 8386568 
boot reason: 0 

interface 0 is initializ[01-ed
interfa01 18:12:15 ce 1 is iniTUYA Debug][tialized

Initializi.c:22] < TUYng WIFI ...A IOT SDK V:
LDO M2.0.0 BS:30.ode, BD_Inf04_PT:2.2_LAo: 0 
N:3.3_CAD:1.0.2_CD:1.0.0 >
< tuya_
LDO Modeiot_lib BUI, BD_Info: 0LD AT:2019_ 
06_21_14_56_08 BY tuya_iot_team AT 8710_2M >

[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Debug][tuya_device.c:23] rtlbn_tls_common_9600:1.0.3
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][simple_flash.c:428] key_addr: 0x1eb000   block_sz 4096
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][simple_flash.c:496] get key:
0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 

WIFI initialized

init_thread(55), Available heap 0x9ea0[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][tuya_uart.c:125] 1   9600
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][tuya_main.c:368] mf_init succ
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2956] uart baud rate:9600----firmware key:kXXXXXXXptn
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][tuya_uart.c:125] 0   9600
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:3047] uart_task_init ok
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:3151] cfg_mode:0   firmware_key kXXXXXXXptn

[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][tuya_iot_wifi_api.c:193] wifi mcu init. pid:qXXXXXXXXw firmwarekey:kXXXXXXXXn v1:1.0.3 v2:1.0.1
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2600] serial_no:6XXXXXXXXXXd
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2631] gw_cntl.gw_wsm.stat:1
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2634] gw_cntl.gw_wsm.nc_tp:1
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2635]
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2667] gw_cntl.gw_if.abi:0 input:0
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2668] gw_cntl.gw_if.product_key:qXXXXXXXXXXXXw, input:qXXXXXXXXXXXw
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2669], input:1
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2671] gw_cntl.gw_if.firmware_key:kXXXXXXXXXXXn, input:kXXXXXXXXXXn

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 
[01-01 18:12:17 TUYA Notice][tuya_gpio.c:225] id 5 {0x1000312c}

LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

WIFI initialized
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2872] wifi status is :1
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack

LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

WIFI initialized
[01-01 18:12:33 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:12:45 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:00 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:30 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:45 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:14:00 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:14:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:14:30 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:14:46 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:15:01 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:15:16 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack

When the pairing is initiated in the Android application the following output is logged:

[01-01 18:17:46 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:18:01 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:18:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:18:30 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:18:33 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:492] stop smt cfg mthd:0

LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

WIFI initialized
[01-01 18:18:34 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2872] wifi status is :5

RTL8195A[Driver]: set ssid [XXXXXXXXXXXXXX] 

RTL8195A[Driver]: start auth to 00:0e:2e:ba:dd:16

RTL8195A[Driver]: auth success, start assoc

RTL8195A[Driver]: association success(res=3)
wlan1: 1 DL RSVD page success! DLBcnCount:01, poll:00000001

RTL8195A[Driver]: set pairwise key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4)

RTL8195A[Driver]: set group key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4) keyid:1

Interface 0 IP address :[01-01 18:18:38 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2872] wifi status is :6
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:2060] mqtt async send fail -916
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Err][uart_common.c:2216] sf_obj_dp_report op_ret:-916,out:{"20":2224}
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:2060] mqtt async send fail -916
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Err][uart_common.c:2216] sf_obj_dp_report op_ret:-916,out:{"104":2224}
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:2060] mqtt async send fail -916
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Err][uart_common.c:2216] sf_obj_dp_report op_ret:-916,out:{"1":false}
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Notice][mqtt_client.c:1075] mqtt get serve ip success
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Notice][mqtt_client.c:1100] mqtt socket create success. begin to connect
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Notice][mqtt_client.c:1115] mqtt socket connect success. begin to subscribe
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Notice][mqtt_client.c:878] mqtt subscribe success
[12-15 16:20:13 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2872] wifi status is :7
[12-15 16:20:14 TUYA Notice][wifi_hwl.c:747] ssid XXXXXXXXXX,passwd:XXXXXXXXXXXXX,sec_type:4194308,chan:11
[12-15 16:20:14 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:761] get ap info: ssid:XXXXXXXXXXx,passwd:XXXXXXXXXXXX,chan:11,sec_tp:400004
[12-15 16:20:14 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:762] local ap info: ssid:XXXXXXXXXXX,passwd:XXXXXXXXXXX,chan:11,sec_tp:400004
[12-15 16:20:17 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:20:29 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 19 Skip
[12-15 16:20:29 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 103 Skip
[12-15 16:20:29 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 111 Skip
[12-15 16:20:29 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 112 Skip
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 19 Skip
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 103 Skip
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 111 Skip
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][smart_frame.c:1234] dp id 112 Skip
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Notice][app_agent.c:1163] find error socket 3
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][app_agent.c:1440] ret:-1 send_len:75 errno:-100
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][app_agent.c:1976] __mlp_gw_tcp_send op_ret:-909
[12-15 16:20:32 TUYA Err][app_agent.c:1386] the socket 3 is fault
[12-15 16:20:34 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:20:48 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:21:03 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:21:18 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:21:33 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack

When the device is in the connected state pressing and holding the button resets all of the settings and reboots the WiFi module:

[12-15 16:24:04 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:24:19 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[12-15 16:24:26 TUYA Notice][tuya_key.c:441] get key interrupt
BOOT TYPE:0 XTAL:40000000
IMG1 DATA[1168:10002000]
IMG1 ENTRY[8000541:100021ef]
read_mode idx:0, flash_speed idx:0
OTA2 ADDR[80d0000]
OTAx SELE[fffffffc]
IMG2 DATA[0x809e060:6540:0x10005000]
IMG2 SIGN[RTKWin(10005008)]
IMG2 ENTRY[0x10005000:0x800b1a5]
===== Enter Image 2 ====
OSC8M: 8386568 
boot reason: 7a05 

interface 0 is initializ[01-ed
interfa01 18:12:15 ce 1 is iniTUYA Debug][tialized

Initializi.c:22] < TUYng WIFI ...A IOT SDK V:
LDO M2.0.0 BS:30.ode, BD_Inf04_PT:2.2_LAo: 0 
N:3.3_CAD:1.0.2_CD:1.0.0 >
< tuya_
LDO Modeiot_lib BUI, BD_Info: 0LD AT:2019_ 
06_21_14_56_08 BY tuya_iot_team AT 8710_2M >

[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Debug][tuya_device.c:23] rtlbn_tls_common_9600:1.0.3
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][simple_flash.c:428] key_addr: 0x1eb000   block_sz 4096
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][simple_flash.c:496] get key:
0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 

WIFI initialized

init_thread(55), Available heap 0x9ea0[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][tuya_uart.c:125] 1   9600
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Err][mf_test.c:450] ty_cJSON_Parse error
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Err][mf_test.c:450] ty_cJSON_Parse error
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][mf_test.c:237] len=5,in=6,out=0,cmd=7
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Err][mf_test.c:450] ty_cJSON_Parse error
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][tuya_main.c:368] mf_init succ
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2956] uart baud rate:9600----firmware key:kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][tuya_uart.c:125] 0   9600
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:3047] uart_task_init ok
[01-01 18:12:15 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:3151] cfg_mode:0   firmware_key kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn

[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][tuya_iot_wifi_api.c:193] wifi mcu init. pid:qXXXXXXXXXXXw firmwarekey:kXXXXXXXXXXXXXn v1:1.0.3 v2:1.0.1
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2600] serial_no:6XXXXXXXXXXXXXd
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2631] gw_cntl.gw_wsm.stat:1
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2634] gw_cntl.gw_wsm.nc_tp:1
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2635]
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2667] gw_cntl.gw_if.abi:0 input:0
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2668] gw_cntl.gw_if.product_key:qXXXXXXXXXXXXXXw, input:qXXXXXXXXXXXXXw
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2669], input:1
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][gw_intf.c:2671] gw_cntl.gw_if.firmware_key:kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn, input:kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXn

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][tuya_gpio.c:225] id 5 {0x1000312c}

LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

WIFI initialized
[01-01 18:12:18 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:12:19 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:2872] wifi status is :1

LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.
Deinitializing WIFI ...
WIFI deinitialized
Initializing WIFI ...
LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

LDO Mode, BD_Info: 0 

WIFI initialized
[01-01 18:12:33 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:12:44 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:12:59 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:14 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:29 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:44 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack
[01-01 18:13:59 TUYA Notice][uart_common.c:468] send jump_pack

2. Application

The device's controlling application can be downloaded from the Google Play store under the name "Vastra Smart Devices" and package id This application is built based on the Tuya SDKs and it' also possible to use the non-branded "Tuya Smart" application from Tuya to provision and control the device.

2.1. Tuya Protocol Integration data

The device supports both AP and EZ provisioning modes, however the "Vastra Smart Devices" application seems to only implement the EZ mode (can be recognized by the fast blinking pattern when in pairing mode). Unfortunately both modes are insecure and leak the WLAN credentials when provisioning. Please look into References for an article and example code to sniff the WLAN credentials off the air for EZ mode.

2.1.1. Product info

2022-12-19 15:31.10 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0301002a7b2270223a227176656e6b6c78667377736769756177222c2276223a22312e302e31222c226d223a307dd9' payload=b'7b2270223a227176656e6b6c78667377736769756177222c2276223a22312e302e31222c226d223a307d' proto_ver= type=
➜  ~ python3
Python 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from binascii import unhexlify
>>> print(unhexlify(b'7b2270223a227176656e6b6c78667377736769756177222c2276223a22312e302e31222c226d223a307d'))

2.1.2. Product mode

2022-12-19 15:31.10 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa0002000001' payload=b'' proto_ver= type=
2022-12-19 15:31.10 [info     ] frame                          fullpacket=b'55aa030200020c0517' payload=b'0c05' proto_ver= type=

2.1.3. Tuya Data Points

dpId (hex) Identifier Data Type Direction Description Example value (raw) Example value (interpreted) Example packet Notes
01 switch1 Boolean Control & Report Socket 1 power on/off 01 true 55aa03070005010100010112  
02 switch2 Boolean Control & Report Socket 2 power on/off 01 true 55aa03070005020100010113  
03 switch3 Boolean Control & Report Socket 3 power on/off 01 true 55aa03070005030100010114  
14 voltage1 Integer Report Socket 1 voltage 000008b0 222.4 V 55aa0307000814020004000008b0e3 Unit is 0.1 V
68 voltage2 Integer Report Socket 2 voltage     55aa0307000868020004000008b037 Unit is 0.1 V
70 voltage3 Integer Report Socket 3 voltage     55aa0307000870020004000008b03f Unit is 0.1 V
12 current1 Integer Report Socket 1 current 0000004c 76 mA 55aa03070008120200040000004c75 Unit is 0.1 A
66 current2 Integer Report Socket 2 current 00000099 153 mA 55aa03070008660200040000009916 Unit is 0.1 A
6e current3 Integer Report Socket 3 current     55aa030700086e0200040000000085 Unit is 0.1 A
13 power1 Integer Report Socket 1 power 0000004c 10.7 W 55aa03070008120200040000004c75 Unit is 0.1 W
67 power2 Integer Report Socket 2 power 00000100 25.6 W 55aa0307000867020004000001007f Unit is 0.1 W
6f power3 Integer Report Socket 3 power     55aa030700086f0200040000000086 Unit is 0.1 W
11 energy1 Integer Report Socket 1 energy     55aa03070008110200040000000028  
65 energy2 Integer Report Socket 2 energy 0000001e 0.030 kWh 55aa03070008650200040000001e9a Unit is 0.001 kWh
6d energy3 Integer Report Socket 3 energy     55aa030700086d0200040000000084  

2.2. Tuya Integration Manual

The below is a short howto on controlling the power strip without using the official app but instead integrating it manually with the Tuya cloud. A similar guide can be also found in the tuyapi project. You own Python code can be integrated with the Tuya cloud using their OpenAPI REST API, the following short example will be referenced:

import logging from env import ENDPOINT, ACCESS_ID, ACCESS_KEY, USERNAME, PASSWORD, DEVICE_ID from tuya_iot import ( TuyaOpenAPI, AuthType, TUYA_LOGGER ) import time TUYA_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) openapi = TuyaOpenAPI(ENDPOINT, ACCESS_ID, ACCESS_KEY, AuthType.CUSTOM) openapi.connect(USERNAME, PASSWORD) openapi.get(f'/v1.0/iot-03/devices/{DEVICE_ID}/functions') state = True while True: commands = [ dict(code='switch_1', value=state) ]'/v1.0/iot-03/devices/{DEVICE_ID}/commands', dict(commands=commands)) state = not state time.sleep(5)
  1. Install the pypi package for the toolkit from python3 -m pip install tuya-iot-py-sdk
  2. Create an account on
  3. Create a Cloud Project, set both Industry and Development Method to "Smart Home". Select all Data Centers just to be sure. Take note of the ACCESSID and ACCESSKEY values and put them inside an file alongside the example Python code. The configuration values are imported from it as you can see.


  1. Install the "Tuya Smart" Android application and add the device there.
  2. Based on the country where your "Tuya Smart" Android app is located select the proper data center in the Devices section of your project. For example, an Android application used on a mobile phone in Poland will be using the "Central Europe Data Center". This can be selected on the right of the Devices panel:


For the mapping between countries and data centers servicing them you can look here:

  1. Link the "Tuya Smart" application with your account by going to "Your Account" in Tuya mobile app and selecting the QR code scanning button near the top right of the screen. The QR code you need to scan can be found in the "Link Tuya App Account" section of your project like shown below:


Select "Automatic Link (Recommended)" - this will cause all devices that are added to the Tuya Smart application will be automatically registered in your project. Select "Read/Write" for Device Permission if you want to control the device (like switch outputs on/off).

There should be an indication that devices were sucessfully linked to your project. If the count of devices is 0 on this dialog it most likely means that you have not selected the proper Data Center.


  1. You device should now appear on the "All Devices" tab of your project. Take note of the "Device ID" field and put it into created earlier.


  1. Create a user in the Users tab. The username and password for this user should be stored as the USERNAME and PASSWORD variables in
  2. Go to "Service API" in your project and add authorization for the "IoT Core" API:


  1. Our code should now work and toggle the socket 1 on and off every 5 seconds:
$ python3
[2022-12-20 17:30:04,884] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = POST,                 url =,                params = None,                body = {'username': '', 'password': '***'},                t = 1671553804884
[2022-12-20 17:30:05,445] [tuya-openapi] Response: {
  "result": {
    "access_token": "***",
    "expire": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "***",
    "uid": "***"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1671553805320,
  "tid": "8f3d5ae7808311edbff6521277a1eee7"
[2022-12-20 17:30:05,446] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = GET,                 url =,                params = None,                body = None,                t = 1671553805446
[2022-12-20 17:30:05,511] [tuya-openapi] Response: {
  "result": {
    "category": "pc",
    "functions": [
        "code": "switch_1",
        "desc": "switch 1",
        "name": "switch 1",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
        "code": "switch_2",
        "desc": "switch 2",
        "name": "switch 2",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
        "code": "switch_3",
        "desc": "switch 3",
        "name": "switch 3",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
        "code": "countdown_1",
        "desc": "countdown 1",
        "name": "countdown 1",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"s\",\"min\":0,\"max\":86400,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
        "code": "countdown_2",
        "desc": "countdown 2",
        "name": "countdown 2",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"s\",\"min\":0,\"max\":86400,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
        "code": "countdown_3",
        "desc": "countdown 3",
        "name": "countdown 3",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"s\",\"min\":0,\"max\":86400,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
        "code": "switch",
        "desc": "switch",
        "name": "switch",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1671553805460,
  "tid": "8f756d80808311edbff6521277a1eee7"
[2022-12-20 17:30:05,512] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = POST,                 url =,                params = None,                body = {'commands': [{'code': 'switch_1', 'value': True}]},                t = 1671553805512
[2022-12-20 17:30:05,603] [tuya-openapi] Response: {
  "result": true,
  "success": true,
  "t": 1671553805551,
  "tid": "8f7f6f3f808311edbe0bee4d76ea34cc"
[2022-12-20 17:30:10,609] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = POST,                 url =,                params = None,                body = {'commands': [{'code': 'switch_1', 'value': False}]},                t = 1671553810609
[2022-12-20 17:30:10,702] [tuya-openapi] Response: {
  "result": true,
  "success": true,
  "t": 1671553810650,
  "tid": "92896dce808311edbff6521277a1eee7"

3. References

Tuya cloud integration instruction

Description of the differences between AP and EZ pairing modes from a user perspective

The Tuya organization on Github provides example a lot of example code

An alternative firmware for the Tuya devices based on the ESP chips provides a lot of documentation for the TuyaMCU protocol.

Code to sniff the wireless network credentials being transmitted to a Tuya device when using EZ mode

A collection of projects related to reverse-enginnering Tuya devices. Not in any way affiliated with Tuya Inc.

ESPTouch is the original protocol used as the "EZ Mode" pairing protocol for Tuya devices

Some description of the semantics behind TuyaMCU messages (mirrored) protocol_CurtainM_20190926.pdf


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